Good news, everyone!

I haven’t posted for a while because I’ve been busy and distracted by builders (not in a good way). I’ve been keeping up with my training, though (two hours a day full tilt on the rolling road in blocks of half an hour or an hour, plus (usually) half an hour practising acceleration timing). I’ve been meaning to post some stats to prove to the easily-led that my speed and fitness are improving, but they’re fairly uninteresting, even to me. If anyone asks, I’ll get around to posting them.

But the good – the great – news is that my new wheelchair has been built and will be delivered – all things going well – in the next few days.

My new wheelchair will look almost but not entirely unlike this

I have to admit that even I, a repressed northerner of the old school, am quite excited. Several people have recently tortured me with tales of a new lease of life with a made to measure chair and I’ve made the mistake of half believing them.

So expect in the next few days either gushing accounts of exorbitant freedom or waves of crushing disappointment. But don’t worry if you’re a fan of both. It might be both.